Eight years, two albums, touring across the world – and growing up along the way. When Ian Hooper, Craig Saunders, and Claudio Donzelli of Mighty Oaks worked on their first EP in 2010, the world was a different one. And they were different people. Fast forward to 2018, not much has changed and still, everything. The boys are fathers now, their lives in Berlin established, and they played some of the most important festivals worldwide and hundreds of live shows. For February 2019 Ian, Craig and Claudio are planning a very special tour: Visiting select, small venues they’ll strip it all back to the bare essentials of what makes Mighty Oaks: voices, acoustic instruments, stories, real connections. “We started out as three-piece acoustic band and for this tour we will ditch the big productions and go back to interacting much more with the people at our shows.” No barriers between band and audience, this tour will be a very unique and intimate music experience for current and future Mighty Oaks-fans alike.
MIGHTY OAKS | Acoustic Tour 2019| SOLD OUT!
Chudoscnik Sunergia présente
Le trio international, originaire de Washington, du sud-ouest de l'Angleterre et d'Italie, mais maintenant basé à Berlin, combine l'amour pour les chansons pop folk indépendantes faites main. Après de nombreuses tournées et concerts sold out dans toute l'Europe et aux Etats-Unis, ils renouent avec cet amour lors de leur grande tournée acoustique. Dans des lieux choisis, ils présenteront leur musique dans un programme purement acoustique en février 2019. Le support est le groupe NOVAA. Billets disponibles en prévente!